Vatican tightens rules on supernatural phenomena

The new guidelines are expected to tighten the criteria for what counts as a divine apparition.
2024-05-17 16:08:22

Striking pictures from Easter celebrations around the world

Pope Francis leads festivities at the Vatican, a day after pulling out of a ceremony at short notice.
2024-03-31 04:06:22

Pope Francis fires Texan bishop after criticism of reforms

Joseph Strickland is "relieved" from governance following a Vatican investigation.
2023-11-11 16:10:06

?Készen áll? Akkor boksz!? ? Ferenc pápa és Sylvester Stallone találkoztak

A Vatikánban fogadta Ferenc pápa Sylvester Stallone-t és a családját. A színésszel tartott felesége és három lánya, valamint a bátyja is. A találkozón ? miután mindenki bemutatkozott a szentatyának ? Ferenc pápa megjegyezte, nagy megtiszteltetés, hogy fogadhatta a színészt és famíliáját. Az Ön filmjein nőttünk fel ? utalt az egyházfő a Rocky-filmekre, mire Stallone bokszolást kezdett imitálni azzal a felütéssel: Készen áll? Akkor boksz! Erre a pápa is megvillantotta tudását, és néhány ütést imitáló mozdulatot végzett. Pope Francis meets with American actor Sylvester Stallone and his family at ...
2023-09-09 02:13:51

Vatican investigates sexual abuse allegations at Roman Catholic society in Peru

Vatican investigators looking into sexual abuse allegations at a Roman Catholic society in Peru have completed the first stage of their audit and will issue a report in the coming months, Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni told CNN Friday.
2023-08-08 23:06:19

Franco Mulakkal: Pope accepts resignation of bishop accused of rape

The Vatican had temporarily relieved Franco Mulakkal of his duties when he was arrested in 2018
2023-06-02 08:11:15

Pope, big crowd mark Easter in flower-adorned Vatican square

Post Content
2023-04-09 12:10:28

Pope jokes he's 'still alive' as he leaves hospital

Pope Francis joked that he is "still alive" as he left the hospital in Rome where he spent the past few days being treated for a respiratory infection.
2023-04-01 15:07:03

Pope to be discharged from hospital on Saturday, Vatican says

Pope Francis is expected to be discharged from hospital on Saturday, Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni said Friday in a statement.
2023-03-31 15:06:44

Pope expected to leave hospital on Saturday

The Vatican says doctors will decide on the 86-year-old pontiff's discharge from hospital.
2023-03-31 14:11:01

Vatican: Pope spends 2nd night 'serenely' in hospital

Post Content
2023-03-31 12:11:20

Catholic Church 'cannot bless same-sex unions'

The Vatican says it cannot give blessings to 'sin', in a statement endorsed by the Pope.
2021-03-15 16:07:11

LGBTQ Catholics stung by Vatican rebuff of same-sex unions

2021-03-15 20:06:18

Vatican says it will not bless same-sex unions, calling them a 'sin'

The Vatican said Monday that the Catholic Church would not bless same-sex unions, in a combative statement approved by Pope Francis that threatens to widen the chasm between the church and much of the LGBTQ community.
2021-03-16 00:06:02

Rocketman: Did the Vatican fund a film about Elton John?

A reported link between Sir Elton John and the Vatican has resurfaced after a ruling on gay unions.
2021-03-16 19:06:30

Elton John szerint képmutató a Vatikán abban, hogy nem adnak áldást a melegházasságra

A LADBible írt arról, hogy a Vatikán Hittani Kongregáció nevű hivatala nemrég bejelentette, hogy a katolikus egyház lelkészei nem adhatják áldásukat az azonos nemű párok kapcsolataira, ha valaki mégis kivételt tesz a papok közül, akkor is érvénytelennek bizonyul a döntés. Elton John a Twitteren akadt ki ezzel kapcsolatban, mondván, rettentő képmutató a Vatikán, mikor az ő életéről szóló filmet, a Rocketmant több millió dollárral támogatták, annak a sztorija pedig pont az, hogy az énekes miként talál szerelemre férjével, David Furnish-sel. Már hogy utasíthatja vissza a Vatikán a melegházasságo...
2021-03-17 09:08:07

German Catholic clergy rebel against Vatican over same-sex unions

German Catholic theologians and clergy have mobilized against a recent ruling from the Vatican that said the Catholic Church would not bless same-sex unions.
2021-03-24 18:05:42

German Catholic clergy rebel on same-sex unions

German Catholic theologians and clergy have mobilized against a recent ruling from the Vatican that said the Catholic Church would not bless same-sex unions.
2021-03-24 18:05:43

Pope cuts pay for cardinals as Vatican finances hit by pandemic

Cardinals and other clerics will see salaries reduced in order to protect jobs, the Vatican says.
2021-03-24 18:06:12

German Catholic clergy rebel against Vatican over same-sex unions

German Catholic theologians and clergy have mobilized against a recent ruling from the Vatican that said the Catholic Church would not bless same-sex unions.
2021-03-24 21:05:42

German Catholic clergy rebel against Vatican over same-sex unions

German Catholic theologians and clergy have mobilized against a recent ruling from the Vatican that said the Catholic Church would not bless same-sex unions.
2021-03-24 21:05:42

Children flock to Pope Francis during Good Friday service

A small boy strolled up to Pope Francis during his Good Friday service, in a surprising exchange at St. Peter's Square at the Vatican.
2021-04-03 14:05:45

Pope greets children who run on stage after Easter Mass

The coronavirus pandemic has changed the Vatican's Easter celebration, but CNN's Delia Gallagher reports on a 'moment of beauty' at this year's Good Friday Mass.
2021-04-03 20:05:42

Pope Francis greets children on Good Friday

A small boy strolled up to Pope Francis during his Good Friday service, in a surprising exchange at St. Peter's Square at the Vatican.
2021-04-04 13:05:52

Pope Francis greets children on Good Friday

A small boy strolled up to Pope Francis during his Good Friday service, in a surprising exchange at St. Peter's Square at the Vatican.
2021-04-04 13:05:53

German priests defy Vatican to bless gay couples

The Love Wins movement emerged after the Catholic Church said in March that God "cannot bless sin".
2021-05-10 17:06:15

German priests defy Vatican ban and bless same-sex unions

The Catholic Church has lost touch with the "living reality" of LGBT+ people, said one of more than 100 German priests who are defying the Vatican this week by blessing same-sex couples.
2021-05-11 13:05:50

German priests defy Vatican ban and bless same-sex unions

The Catholic Church has lost touch with the "living reality" of LGBT+ people, said one of more than 100 German priests who are defying the Vatican this week by blessing same-sex couples.
2021-05-11 20:05:40

German priests defy Vatican ban and bless same-sex unions

The Catholic Church has lost touch with the "living reality" of LGBT+ people, said one of more than 100 German priests who are defying the Vatican this week by blessing same-sex couples.
2021-05-11 20:05:41

Church: Pope recalls nuncio amid abuse claims

The pope pulled out the Vatican's ambassador to the Dominican Republic after a report connected him to child abuse. Now authorities are investigating.
2021-05-18 07:05:52

Cardinal Pell eyes a Vatican scandal he suspected long ago

2021-05-22 10:06:11

Germany's quiet Catholic rebellion on gay blessings and women preachers

German Catholics challenge the Vatican's conservative teaching on gay blessings and female preachers.
2021-05-24 03:06:16

Vatican law criminalizes abuse of adults by priests, laity

2021-06-01 14:06:33

Vatican laws changed to toughen sexual abuse punishment

The changes are the biggest overhaul of the Roman Catholic Church code in nearly 40 years.
2021-06-01 19:07:00

Vatican revises Church law on sexual abuse and other issues

Pope Francis on Tuesday issued the most extensive revision to Catholic Church law in four decades, insisting that bishops take action against clerics who abuse minors and vulnerable adults, commit fraud or attempt to ordain women.
2021-06-01 23:06:09

Vatican protests against 'unprecedented' Italian bill on homophobia

The Church says the bill would stifle Catholic freedoms, but advocates say safeguards are in place.
2021-06-22 18:06:20

Italian lawmakers reject 'interference' after Vatican protests anti-homophobia law

Senior lawmakers in Italy pushed back Wednesday against "interference" from the Vatican after it protested against a draft Italian law designed to combat homophobia.
2021-06-23 13:05:43

Italian lawmakers reject 'interference' after Vatican protests anti-homophobia law

Senior lawmakers in Italy pushed back Wednesday against "interference" from the Vatican after it protested against a draft Italian law designed to combat homophobia.
2021-06-23 13:05:45

Italian lawmakers reject 'interference' after Vatican protests anti-homophobia law

Senior lawmakers in Italy pushed back Wednesday against "interference" from the Vatican after it protested against a draft Italian law designed to combat homophobia.
2021-06-23 22:06:47

Italian lawmakers reject 'interference' after Vatican protests anti-homophobia law

Senior lawmakers in Italy pushed back Wednesday against "interference" from the Vatican after it protested against a draft Italian law designed to combat homophobia.
2021-06-23 22:06:47

Pókember maszkot vitt a Vatikánba Ferenc pápának

A filmeket idéző feszes Pókemberjelmezben jelent meg Ferenc pápa szokásos szerdai audienciáján Mattia Villardita, egy 27 éves észak-olasz férfi, aki általában kórházban ápolt gyerekeket szokott látogatni ebben a ruhában annak reményében, hogy ezzel örömet okoz nekik ? írja a brit Sun. A Pókembermaszk alatt rejlő Villarditának fiatal kora óta szívproblémái vannak, innen jött az ötlet, hogy szeretné boldogabbá tenni a gyerekek kórházban töltött idejét, ezért rendszeres látogatóvá vált különböző kórházakban, rendszerint Pókemberjelmezben. Hétköznapi hősiességét egyébként már az olasz elnök, Serg...
2021-06-24 11:05:59

Befolyásolni akarta a Vatikán az olasz LMBTQ-törvényt

Többen azzal vádolják a Vatikánt, hogy megpróbált beavatkozni az új olaszországi LMBTQ-törvénytervezetbe, amely bűncselekménnyé tenné a szexuális kisebbségekhez tartozók és fogyatékkal élő emberek elleni erőszakot és gyűlöletbeszédet. A Politico azt írja, a törvényjavaslat ellenzői attól tartanak, hogy az előírhatja majd az iskolákban a gendertudomány oktatását, és kriminalizálhatja azok véleményét, akik például a melegházasság témájában a katolikus álláspontot részesítik előnyben. A vita nehéz helyzetbe hozza Mario Draghi olasz miniszterelnököt, akinek közismerten jó kapcsolatai vannak a Vat...
2021-06-24 16:06:06

Vatican embezzlement trial: Cardinal Angelo Becciu among 10 charged

Angelo Becciu, a former aide to the Pope, is among 10 people a Vatican judge says must stand trial.
2021-07-03 17:06:13

Vatican indicts 10 people, including a Cardinal, over an international financial scandal

The Vatican has indicted 10 people, including an Italian cardinal, for several alleged financial crimes including extortion, corruption, fraud, forgery, embezzlement and abuse of power.
2021-07-03 19:05:43

Vatican indicts 10 people, including a cardinal, over a financial scandal

The Vatican has indicted 10 people, including an Italian cardinal, for several alleged financial crimes including extortion, corruption, fraud, forgery, embezzlement and abuse of power.
2021-07-04 01:05:44

Pope Francis has surgery for 'colon diverticulitis'

Pope Francis is undergoing surgery for "colon diverticulitis," Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni told CNN on Sunday.
2021-07-04 17:05:44

Vatican indicts 10 people, including a cardinal, over an international financial scandal

The Vatican has indicted 10 people, including an Italian cardinal, for several alleged financial crimes including extortion, corruption, fraud, forgery, embezzlement and abuse of power.
2021-07-04 17:05:47

Vatican indicts 10 people, including a cardinal, over an international financial scandal

The Vatican has indicted 10 people, including an Italian cardinal, for several alleged financial crimes including extortion, corruption, fraud, forgery, embezzlement and abuse of power.
2021-07-04 17:05:47

Pope admitted to Rome hospital for 'scheduled' colon surgery

The scheduled operation will deal with a issue in the 84-year-old Pope's colon, the Vatican says.
2021-07-04 17:06:13

Pope has surgery for colon diverticulitis

? Vatican indicts 10 people, including a cardinal, over an international financial scandal
2021-07-05 14:05:50

Pope Francis has surgery for colon diverticulitis

Pope Francis has "reacted well" after undergoing surgery Sunday for colon diverticulitis, according to the Vatican.
2021-07-06 12:05:48

Pope Francis has surgery for colon diverticulitis

Pope Francis has "reacted well" after undergoing surgery Sunday for colon diverticulitis, according to the Vatican.
2021-07-06 12:05:49

Pope Francis returns to Vatican 10 days after surgery

2021-07-14 14:06:36

Vatican's Cardinal Becciu on trial in $412m fraud case

Cardinal Becciu was once close to the Pope but was sacked after reports of financial misdeeds.
2021-07-27 12:58:36

Landmark Vatican fraud trial begins as cardinal faces charges over London property deal

In what many are calling the Vatican's "trial of the century," a Vatican court on Tuesday opened proceedings against Italian Cardinal Angelo Becciu, the Pope's former chief of staff, and nine other defendants charged with fraud and embezzlement, principally for their roles in a controversial $400 million real estate deal in London.
2021-07-27 20:05:42


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